Site Redelopment Project 2016
Homerton Baptist Church is currently in the process of finalising the revelopment of the current premises. On 8th June 2016 the Planning Comittee approved our planning application. We are currently now finalised the Section 106 agreements, received our planning permission documents and therefore entered the 6 week judicial review period.
The current premise was built in 1962 and although has served the community faithfully has been suffering from many problems with electrics, plumbing, gas systems, water systems and concrete cancer within the facia and prevents the premises providing appropriate access to disabled people and heavily restricts the ways in which it can be utilised.
The redevelopment project will provide a state of the art complex with built in flexibility which allows for greater opportunities for the church to meet the needs of the local community but also allows for the provision of a community café (Blend Café) and the provision of rooms and halls to hire out to the local community (HBC Centre).
We hope our redevelopment will allow the church to be seen to be more relevant to the local community in the modern era whilst also provising a state of teh art facility for the local community to utilise.
It is currently hoped that the complex will be completed and open to the public by the end of the summer of 2018.
Please visit our HBC Facebook Photo Album for the latest photos of the redevelopment.